Introduction | TRI Annual Report


Building upon our comprehensive analysis of Idaho's economic development strategies**, we've established a clear pattern of focus on big businesses at the expense of small enterprises. The Idaho Tax Reimbursement Incentive (TRI) Annual Report for FY2023 provides further, more detailed evidence of this bias. This 30-page document offers a comprehensive overview of the TRI program, its impact, and its future projections.

The TRI program, as one of the state's flagship economic development initiatives, serves as a critical indicator of Idaho's priorities in this area. This analysis complements our examination of the Business Incentive Manual and the Idaho Business Advantage program, offering a real-world view of how these incentives are applied and their impacts.

As we delve into this report, we'll see how it not only confirms our earlier findings but also provides even more striking evidence of the state's overwhelming preference for large corporations in its economic development **efforts. This analysis will further demonstrate how Idaho's economic development strategies continue to overlook the needs of small businesses, which form the backbone of the state's economy.

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