TRI Success Stories | TRI Annual Report

TRI Success Stories

Key Findings

  • Detailed accounts of Micron Technology, Northwest Fourslide, and Suntado
  • Emphasis on large-scale investments and job creation
  • Focus on companies relocating to Idaho or expanding existing operations


Small Business Perspective

The success stories highlighted in the report exclusively feature larger businesses or rapidly growing companies. There are no success stories of businesses under 20 employees benefiting from state economic development programs. The emphasis on relocation and large-scale expansion projects further demonstrates the program's bias towards bigger enterprises with the resources for such moves.

Big Business Perspective

These success stories serve as powerful marketing tools for attracting other large businesses to Idaho. They showcase the state's ability to support massive investments (like Micron's $15 billion project), assist in business relocations (Northwest Fourslide), and foster the growth of innovative large-scale operations (Suntado). The detailed accounts of how these companies benefited from state support and incentives provide a clear roadmap for other big businesses considering expansion or relocation to Idaho.

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