Idaho Investment Guide Analysis - Commerce Director Interview | Idaho Economy

Interview with the Commerce Director

Key Findings

  • Priorities include supporting existing large businesses and attracting new ones
  • Focus on innovation, technology, and emerging industry sectors
  • Emphasis on international trade and export promotion
  • Mention of community grant programs and tourism development
  • Discussion of the Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM)


Small Business Perspective

Director Kealey's interview shows no consideration for small businesses under 20 employees. There is no mention of any programs, initiatives, or support specifically designed for small businesses. The community grants and IGEM program mentioned are not targeted at small businesses and are more likely to benefit larger companies or scalable startups. The Director's priorities and vision effectively exclude small businesses from the state's economic development strategy. A more equitable economic development plan would have included specific strategies for supporting small business innovation, helping small businesses access new markets, and fostering local entrepreneurship.

Big Business Perspective

The Director's vision aligns closely with the interests of large corporations. His emphasis on supporting high-tech industries, international trade, and business attraction efforts caters directly to the needs of big businesses. The mention of IGEM and community grants suggests a focus on scalable startups and larger community projects, which are more likely to benefit big businesses or lead to the development of new large companies. The Director's strategy clearly prioritizes creating an environment conducive to large-scale business operations and investments.

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