Rural Community Block Grant (RCBG) - Analysis of Business Incentive Manual | Idaho Economy

10. Rural Community Block Grant (RCBG)

Key Details:

  • State-funded grant program for rural areas
  • Supports public infrastructure for economic expansion and job creation
  • Eligible applicants: Cities under 25,000 population, counties, Indian tribes
  • Grant size: $50,000 to $500,000
  • Requires local match (no set amount)


The Rural Community Block Grant program, while aimed at benefiting rural communities, is structured in a way that primarily supports larger-scale development projects. This approach indirectly favors bigger businesses or those capable of significant job creation, offering limited direct benefits to small businesses under 20 employees.

Small Businesses

For small businesses under 20 employees, the Rural Community Block Grant program offers limited direct benefits. The RCBG is not designed as a direct business incentive, but rather as a tool for rural community development and economic expansion. While small businesses in rural areas might indirectly benefit from improved local infrastructure, they cannot directly access these funds. The program's focus on "economic expansion and job creation" suggests a preference for projects that support larger employers or significant business growth, which may not align with the capabilities of most small businesses under 20 employees. The grant size of $50,000 to $500,000 indicates a scale of project that is likely beyond the scope of what most small businesses could utilize or directly benefit from. Additionally, the requirement for a local match, even without a set amount, could be challenging for small rural communities to meet, potentially limiting the number of projects that get funded. While some small businesses in targeted rural areas might see indirect benefits from RCBG-funded improvements, such as better roads or utilities, the program does not provide a mechanism for small businesses to directly access or significantly influence the use of these funds. The emphasis on job creation may also favor larger employers or rapidly growing companies over smaller, stable businesses that make up much of the rural economy.

Big Businesses

The Rural Community Block Grant program can offer significant indirect benefits for larger businesses, particularly those considering expanding into or within rural Idaho. While not a direct business incentive, RCBG funds can substantially improve the infrastructure necessary for large-scale business operations in rural areas. The program's focus on public infrastructure for economic expansion aligns well with the needs of larger companies looking to establish or grow operations in rural communities. The grant size of up to $500,000 indicates a scale of improvement that can significantly enhance a rural area's capacity to support major business operations. For companies considering rural locations, the availability of RCBG funds can make these areas more competitive with urban centers, potentially offering cost advantages while ensuring necessary infrastructure is in place. The program's emphasis on job creation favors larger employers or rapidly growing companies that can commit to significant workforce expansion. While large businesses cannot directly access these funds, they can work with local governments to advocate for RCBG-funded projects that align with their operational needs. For out-of-state companies considering rural Idaho locations, communities with access to RCBG funds may be more attractive due to their potential for rapid infrastructure improvement. For large in-state businesses, RCBG-funded projects can enhance the viability of rural expansion plans. While potentially challenging for communities, the local match requirement demonstrates local commitment to development, which can be reassuring for businesses considering long-term investments. Overall, while not a direct incentive, the RCBG program can significantly contribute to making rural Idaho locations more attractive and viable for larger business operations, particularly those capable of driving substantial job creation and economic growth.

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