Conclusion - Analysis of Business Incentive Manual | Idaho Economy


Our comprehensive analysis of Idaho's "Business Incentive Manual 2020" reveals a stark and undeniable reality: the state's economic development efforts are overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, focused on large businesses, despite the fact that small businesses, particularly those with fewer than 20 employees, form the backbone of Idaho's economy.

The 14 incentive programs detailed in the manual, ranging from tax credits and exemptions to grants and specialized financing options, consistently demonstrate a bias towards larger enterprises. This bias is evident in the structure, requirements, and implementation of these programs, which often set thresholds and conditions beyond most small businesses' reach.

Key findings:


The vast majority of the incentives are structured to effectively make them inaccessible to businesses with fewer than 20 employees. High minimum investment requirements, job creation thresholds, and complex application processes create insurmountable barriers for most small enterprises.

Disproportionate Benefits:

When small businesses can access these programs, the benefits they receive are often minimal compared to the substantial advantages offered to larger companies. This disparity further widens the gap between small and large businesses in terms of growth potential and competitiveness.

Lack of Targeted Support:

There is a glaring absence of programs specifically designed to address small businesses' unique challenges and needs. The few benefits that do trickle down to small businesses appear to be incidental rather than intentional.

Misalignment with Economic Reality:

The focus of these incentives is severely misaligned with Idaho's economic reality, where businesses with fewer than 20 employees account for 54.9% of all private-sector employment. This means that the majority of Idaho's workforce is employed by businesses that receive little to no intentional support from the state's primary economic development initiatives.

Potential for Unintended Consequences:

By disproportionately supporting larger businesses, these incentives may inadvertently create an uneven playing field, potentially stifling innovation and growth in the small business sector that is so crucial to Idaho's economic fabric.

Implications and Future Directions

This misalignment between policy and economic reality raises serious questions about the overall effectiveness and equity of Idaho's economic development strategy. While large businesses undoubtedly play an important role in the state's economy, the complete lack of targeted support for the majority segment of the workforce represents a significant oversight.

The implications of this imbalance are far-reaching. It not only affects the growth potential of small businesses but also impacts job creation, innovation, and the overall resilience of Idaho's economy. Small businesses, with their ability to adapt quickly and their deep roots in local communities, are often the drivers of innovation and job creation. By neglecting this sector, Idaho may be missing out on significant opportunities for economic growth and diversification.

Moreover, this approach to economic development may inadvertently contribute to economic inequality, as the benefits of state support are concentrated among larger employers rather than being distributed more evenly across the business landscape.

Call to Action

It is crucial to emphasize that this analysis is not intended as a criticism of large businesses or a suggestion that they should not receive support. Rather, it is a call for a more balanced and inclusive approach to economic development -- one that recognizes and actively supports the vital role of small businesses in Idaho's economy.

Moving forward, Idaho must clearly and urgently reevaluate its economic development strategies. This reevaluation should aim to create a more equitable balance of support between businesses of all sizes, with particular attention given to developing programs that address the specific needs and challenges of small businesses.

By fostering a more inclusive economic development strategy, Idaho has the opportunity to unleash the full potential of its diverse business landscape. This could lead to more robust job creation, increased innovation, and a more resilient and dynamic economy that truly serves all Idahoans.

The findings of this analysis should serve as a catalyst for constructive dialogue among policymakers, business leaders, and community stakeholders. We hope that this dialogue will lead to the development of more balanced and effective economic development policies that recognize and support the vital role of small businesses in Idaho's future.

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