Strategic Plan Analysis - Goal 4: Market and Promoting Idaho's Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Opportunities | Idaho Economy

Goal 4: Market and Promoting Idaho's Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Opportunities

Key Findings

  • Facilitate statewide marketing campaigns for tourism
  • Administer statewide grant program for tourism promotion
  • Support tourism product development (lodging, attractions, community assets)
  • Work with Idaho Travel Council to administer ITC grant program
  • Support events attracting out-of-area visitors
  • Collaborate on Office of Outdoor Recreation initiatives
  • Liaise with national and regional travel and tourism organizations


Small Business Perspective

This goal offers some indirect benefits for small businesses in the tourism and outdoor recreation sectors. The statewide marketing campaigns and grant programs could increase overall tourism, potentially benefiting small businesses such as local tour operators, small lodges, or outdoor equipment rental shops. However, there's no specific mention of how these programs will ensure that benefits reach small businesses.

Big Business Perspective

This goal primarily aligns with big business interests in the tourism sector. The emphasis on statewide marketing campaigns, large-scale tourism product development, and liaison with national travel organizations tends to benefit larger hospitality chains, major attractions, and established tourism operators.

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