Strategic Plan Analysis - Goal 2: Strategic Business Attraction & Promoting Responsible Incentives | Idaho Economy

Goal 2: Strategic Business Attraction & Promoting Responsible Incentives

Key Findings

  • Offer superior customer service to companies considering relocation or expansion
  • Proactively identify, market to, and recruit industries and companies that add value to Idaho's economy
  • Manage the Governor's Rapid Response Team for quick response to company needs
  • Leverage the Idaho Tax Reimbursement Incentive (TRI) to encourage new and expanding businesses
  • Network with site selection consultants to identify recruitment opportunities
  • Be the lead organization for attraction efforts and coordinated state response
  • Assist foreign investors with foreign direct investment (FDI) strategies
  • Strategically deploy the Idaho Opportunity Fund for job creation
  • Engage with representatives to leverage Opportunity Zones
  • Execute legislative process to extend Business Advantage tax credit


Small Business Perspective

This goal shows no consideration for businesses under 20 employees. All objectives and measures are focused on attracting and supporting larger enterprises. The emphasis on "above average wages" and significant job creation in the TRI program effectively excludes small businesses from accessing these incentives. The goal's objectives do not address the unique challenges faced by small businesses in expansion or relocation.

Big Business Perspective

This goal is 100% focused on big business interests. The emphasis on superior customer service for relocating or expanding companies, the Governor's Rapid Response Team, and the TRI program are all tailored to the needs of larger enterprises. The focus on foreign direct investment and networking with site selection consultants further demonstrates the priority given to attracting and retaining large businesses.

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