Strategic Plan Analysis - Goal 10: The Department will comply with all statutory and internal obligations | Idaho Economy

Goal 10: The Department will comply with all statutory and internal obligations, budget requirements, and maintain a high level of standing

Key Findings

  • Submit department budget on time and adhere to or better the budget each fiscal year
  • Meet all deadlines for financial reports and department annual reports
  • Ensure compliance with all grant/award filings
  • Meet all Idaho statutory obligations
  • Maintain below-average turnover rate compared to all agencies
  • Ensure department's reputation remains "Excellent" among stakeholders
  • Deploy at least 130 grants across all department programs


Small Business Perspective

This goal shows no consideration for businesses under 20 employees. While efficient department operations and compliance with statutory obligations could potentially create a more stable business environment, there's no indication of how this will specifically benefit or impact small businesses.

Big Business Perspective

While this goal is primarily focused on internal department operations, it aligns more closely with big business interests. The emphasis on efficient budget management, timely reporting, and maintaining an excellent reputation among stakeholders suggests a focus on creating a stable and predictable environment for larger businesses and investors.

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