Educational Access Objective | Idaho Broadband Plans Analysis

Educational Access Objective

Key Points:

  • Ensure students and educators have access to affordable and reliable broadband services
  • Engage with educational institutions to identify broadband infrastructure gaps
  • Prioritize broadband infrastructure investments in unserved and underserved locations

Small Business Perspective:

This objective offers no specific mention, focus, or benefit for small businesses under 20 employees in rural Idaho. While improved educational access could indirectly benefit the local workforce, there are no targeted initiatives to help small businesses leverage this improved educational infrastructure for workforce development or business growth.

Big Business Perspective:

The educational access objective demonstrates a 100% focus on initiatives that benefit big businesses and out-of-state corporations. Improved educational access and infrastructure create a more skilled workforce that can be tapped by large companies for remote work opportunities, without necessarily contributing to local economic development.

Rural Impact:

While improved educational access could potentially benefit rural communities, the lack of focus on connecting this education to local economic development may exacerbate brain drain. Better-educated rural residents may be more likely to leave for urban areas or take remote jobs with out-of-state companies if there are no corresponding efforts to develop local economic opportunities. The plan fails to address how improved educational access will be leveraged to create local opportunities that would encourage educated rural Idahoans to stay in their communities and contribute to local economic growth.

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