Strategic Plan Analysis - Goal 9: Support the Governor's Economic Development vision "Leading Idaho" | Idaho Economy

Goal 9: Support the Governor's Economic Development vision "Leading Idaho"

Key Findings

  • Support expansion of key industries (advanced manufacturing, food processing, energy, broadband, cybersecurity, outdoor recreation)
  • Engage with partners on issues affecting economic development (affordable housing, food costs, energy costs, broadband, cybersecurity, workforce, semiconductors, capital forums)
  • Advocate for solutions to economic development challenges (transportation, affordable housing)
  • Provide information to Governor's office and Idaho Legislature on addressing challenges and opportunities
  • Participate in executive orders, commissions, partnerships, councils, and task forces as requested


Small Business Perspective

This goal shows no consideration for businesses under 20 employees. The focus on key industries like advanced manufacturing, food processing, and cybersecurity typically favors larger enterprises or high-tech startups rather than traditional small businesses. There's no indication of specific small business representation or advocacy in these high-level discussions.

Big Business Perspective

This goal is 100% aligned with big business interests. The support for expanding key industries like advanced manufacturing, food processing, and energy caters directly to larger corporations in these sectors. The engagement with partners on issues such as workforce development, semiconductors, and capital forums is more relevant to big businesses with significant hiring needs and capital requirements.

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